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How to create a custom dashboard

Custom dashboards enable you to create a tailored view of your data, highlighting the metrics and KPIs that matter most to your organization. This guides shows you how to create a custom dashboard in Prisme Analytics.

Step 1: Create an empty dashboard

On the side bar, click on the dashboard entry, you should see the following page:

screenshot of dashboard page

Then, click on the New dropdown button and then select the New dashboard entry. This create an empty dashboard:

screenshot of new empty dashboard page

Step 2: Add panels / visualization

Dashboards are useless if they're empty, we must add some content to it. Click + Add visualization button to navigate to edit panel page.

screenshot of edit panel page

This is page is made of 4 parts:

  • Preview: view of panel in real time as you edit options
  • Query builder: Graphical builder for easily querying data from the ClickHouse database
  • Panel type: Dropdown menu with dozens of panels type
  • Panel options: Standard and specific panel options

annotated screenshot of edit panel page

For this guide, we add a simple text panel that don't query any analytics data for sake of simplicity. Checkout How to track scroll depth guide to see a more realistic example.

Set panel type to Text.

screenshot of panel type dropdown

Then explore and edit options until you're satisfied of the result:

screenshot of text panel edit page

Once you're satisfied, click on the blue apply button.

Step 3: Resize and move panel

Once your panels are ready, you can resize and move them:

screenshot of text panel being resized

screenshot of text panel being moved

Finally, when your dashboard is ready, it is time to save it.

Step 4: Save dashboard

Click on the save icon in the top bar.

screenshot of custom dashboard being saved

Then sets dashboard name, description, destination folder and click save.


Don't save dashboards in Prisme Analytics folder as it is reserved for built-ins dashboards.

screenshot of save dashboard dialog

Finally, your dashboard is now visible on dashboards page:

screenshot of dashboards page with new custom dashboard

That's it, you've successfully created a custom dashboard!